Desert Outing 2024

Giving Thanks to our active duty families every Thanksgiving! Just one way we support the men and women and their families of the Sea Services.

Winter Training at NAF El Centro

Desert Outing 2024
About Us

What We Do
Become a Supporter
The Navy League of the United States, founded in 1902 with the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, is a nonprofit civilian, educational and advocacy organization that supports America’s sea services: the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine.
Our mission focus is to:
Enhances the morale of sea service personnel and their families through national and council level programs.
Provides a powerful voice to educate the public and Congress on the importance of our sea services to our nation’s defense, well-being and economic prosperity.
Supports youth through programs, such as the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Junior ROTC and Young Marines, that expose young people to the values of our sea services.
The Navy League depends on individuals like you to support those currently serving and advocate for the sea services. We adopt ships and shore commands, reward and honor enlisted personnel, host dinners and celebrations for military personnel, and support family members left behind when spouses and parents are deployed.
No prior military service is required to be a member.
Join us, and come aboard!